Casey Overstreet and all her boys!
It’s hard for me to not be reflective on Mother’s Day. For so many years, it was a bittersweet day as I longed to be a mom yet wasn’t. I still ache for those women who continue to experience the same heartache on this day.Last year, Mother’s Day 2010 became a day of what would lead to tremendous change for our family. We were living with many frustrations and hoped for a solution. We had been trying to have another baby and were unsuccessful. We had been trying to lose weight and were unsuccessful. We had been trying to pay off debt for good and were unsuccessful. We were trying to build our savings and were unsuccessful. I was trying to balance my time at home and at my gym and was unsuccessful. I try to be a person of progression not regression and this was a challenging time for me.
On Mother’s Day, I decided to take a step toward change. I started my AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge. I believed that these products could help me finally lose the excess pounds I wanted gone and I also believed they could help us get ahead financially. But first, I had to get TJ to believe what I did.
He did the 24 Day Challenge with me, only to prove to me that the products didn’t work. I am so glad he was unsuccessful in proving his point! Even with trying to sabotage his challenge he still saw amazing results! Before our 24 days was up, we knew we had been given the solution to our physical and financial obstacles. What we didn’t realize is that AdvoCare would also help us to grow our family (through funding an adoption) and allow me more time with our children.
One year later, we have so much to be thankful for! Our sweet Oli has been home for a little over a week and we are a happy family of four! I not only lost the 15 pounds I was trying to lose, but 9 more and have kept the weight off for almost one year. TJ is down over 60 pounds and still losing. We are the healthiest we have ever been and setting that positive example for our boys.
By helping others get healthy physically and financially, we have achieved the Ruby leadership level which produces an average annual income of almost $81,000. But the most recent gift this company has provided for us is for me to be a full-time stay at home mom again.
As of Friday, I was able to walk away from a business that was placing me in “time debt” as a mom and bless another woman with a business opportunity that would have otherwise been unattainable.
Tonight, I will be sharing how different my life is this Mother’s Day versus last Mother’s Day along with three other moms who have been abundantly blessed by God through this vehicle of AdvoCare.
I tagged you in this note because I hope that at 8:30 CST tonight, you will listen to these fellow moms share their stories and think about what could be possible for you and your family. If it’s not the additional income for your family, that’s okay! Maybe it’s taking charge of your health and getting in the best physical
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