Yesterday, while getting ready for church, I had a different kind of frustration. Five months ago, standing in the closet looking at clothes, nothing seemed to fit or I had worn it the week before and it was well, what else can I put with my black skirt or black pants. Well, yesterday, it was TOTALLY different, in a GOOD way. What I had picked out to wear, well it was too big! Then decided to try on a pant/jacket set just to see, and it fit. It had been at least 6 years since I had had it on. At church, my sister in love, Ann, asked me if it was new and I laughed and said no, recycled. Then she asked me about this really cool jacket/shirt that I had wore to my 20th high school reunion. I laughed and said I had forgotten about it. She said if you are not in it, she wanted to borrow it till I got in it. I came home and found it. Tried it on and much to my surprise, it FIT! So I tried on a dress that I was holding off on, and much to my surprise IT FIT TOO! Mary Lane said, Mom, you have not wore that in years. When I told Ann about it, she said you wore that the day Jim and I got married in 2004. I truly don't know if I wore it summer of 2005 or not.
This has been the biggest surprise to me. I have always been a "scale" girl, meaning that the number on the scales meant what size I was. My good friend, Trenda, told me the other day on our walk, that she does not weigh, it is all about how her clothes fit. Well, if you know Trenda, she if very fit and slim. I laughed and said something like but the number. She said, you need to focus on the fit because you are creating muscle mass and muscle weighes more. Yes, I know that, but when you are a person that struggles with weight most of your life, the number on the scales are the end all and be all! But thanks to Trenda, she has me looking at it a very different way.
I will take this type of frustration any day! Looks like this week will be a CLEAN out my closest kinda week! Funny thing is....I just put a lot of these clothes in my closest in March~ and they fit or close to it. Now even the close to it clothes..are fitting better or too BIG! WOOHOO!
It's a great feeling, isn't it?! Congratulations!