Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Which Wolf Will Be Fed?

Funny how words, out of the blue, speak to you at the exact moment!  I am teaching a Bible Class at church on Wednesday night for the youth girls.  Today in my devotional study for the class, I found this...

~In a Native American proverb, a father while training his son tells about the battle that goes on inside everyone's head.  The father says, "My son, that battle is between two wolves inside us all.  One is weak.  It is jealousy, distraction, sorrow, regret, arrogance, inferiority, fear, and self-pity.  The other is strong.  It is joy, love, hope, focus, kindness, compassion, confidence, and peace of mind."  The son thought about it for a moment and then asked his father, "Which wolf wins?" The father simply replied, "The one you feed".~

As a parent, we try hard to help our children feed the stronger wolf.  I would say it is very fair to say that all parents want their children to achieve their potential as well as succeed in life.   The problem lies with the fact that because of our own wolves, we sometimes feed the weaker one therefore, we don't quite get how to show our children how to feed their strong wolf. 

The girls and I have LOTS of time to chat in the car, and I am so grateful that they are so willing and comfortable to want to talk to me.  In those chats, I try very hard to look for teachable moments.  Sometimes it is easier than others.  Funny how sometimes, they can say the "lesson" before I can, which tells me they get it and are listening! 

So today, I can truly see an opportunity to ask my daughters a very simple question~Which Wolf Will Be Fed?

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